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Over 40,000 farmers in Eastern and Southern Tanzania to benefit from OCP School Lab

news - Tanzania

In a move to see more farmers in Tanzania have access to crucial information about their soil status, which will assist them in making more informed and sustainable action about agriculture in their respective areas, OCP AFRICA, a subsidiary of OCP Group, a global leader in phosphate fertilizers, under the direct supervision of OCP Tanzania Limited,  will run a second phase of the OCP School Lab Campaign.

Capitalizing from the previous experiences of the first roll-out of OCP School Lab in 2019, OCP has committed to reaching out to at least 40,000 farmers across Four Main Farming Regions in Tanzania.

The 2021 OCP School Lab Campaign will target RUKWA, MBEYA, IRINGA, and MOROGORO regions, for which 400 selected villages will benefit directly from the campaign. The campaign aims to bridge the gap on the overall general agriculture practices by addressing a crucial question about the soil nutrition status for which more than 14,000 farmers will directly benefit from it.

To ensure sustainability and adoption, the 2021 OCP School Lab  Campaign, among others, will offer direct linkage between the farmers and the Agro dealers, who will be able to respond on the issue of timely availability of the fertilizers. In partnership with experts from Government Agricultural Departments (TARI Uyole Center, Regional Administration and Local Government and Ministry of Agriculture), OCP Tanzania Limited is looking forward to a more inclusive and diversified campaign.

The groundbreaking ceremony took place in Sumbawanga town, Rukwa region, on 21st May 2021All key stakeholders for this campaign in attendance include farmers and farmers groups in the Rukwa region. All Covid -19 protocol and rules were observed as per the Health regulation. Rukwa Regional Commissioner officiated the event.